Thursday, April 27, 2017

The 10 Indian Commandments
  1. Treat the earth and all dwells therein with respect.
  2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
  3. Show great respect to your fellow beings.
  4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind
  5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
  6. Do what you know to be right.
  7. Look after the well being of mind and body.
  8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
  9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
  10. Take full responsibility for your actions.
These ten commandments are basically telling us to be good people and to do what is right. It’s stating that people should always be the best as they can be and show that you are respectful. I think some of these commandments should be done by people because it is better to be yourself than to fake and be a good person. Whenever you see someone that needs help whether it’s a homeless or just someone that is sad you should go and help them because maybe by talking to them you can make there day. When you help out and you're kind to other people you feel good about yourself because you know you did something good and positive. I think these commandments are good for people to know because that way if they know them then maybe people can change or they can share with their friends or family. When good things occur that turns into a better thing and it's a cycle that never ends for those who are willing to be good people. Some people are selfish or greedy so they decide to be like that with others, that is what makes others think that sometimes it's not worth being nice or a good person because some don’t appreciate that. That shouldn’t matter what should matter is you knowing that you're a good person and you want others to be happy.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

“A promise must never be broken”- Alexander Hamilton
This quote is saying that something you promise to do , you must not break it because if you do then it will affect you and the person you made the promise with. A promise is something that is made between two or more individuals and a promise may not seem important but it is. It can mean many things, it can mean that you have a very strong bond with someone or that you can trust someone else. If a promise is broken i don’t think those people are people you can trust because if you guys made a promise and it wasn’t kept like that then it wasn’t really one. When someone really keeps a promise you can see when they do and they show it. For example if you made a promise with your best friend to never do drugs and they do it behind your back then that's not being trustworthy. They could've just been straight up and told you but they decided to do it behind you back then that's not being honest. A trustworthy person is someone who is always there for you and is always honest with you. There's not many people like that now a days but those who are they are good people. When a promise is made it should stay as one.
Orthopedic Surgeon
Duties and Responsibilities: These surgeons treat patients with skeletal injuries and diseases. They utilize medical equipment  and tools effectively to avoid  any accidents. They educate patients about treatment procedures and they communicate with patients to see their medical history. Surgeons also assess patients health conditions and prescribe appropriate medications. They work with nurses, ER physicians and other hospital departments to ensure excellent patient care services.
Salary: $512,000 per year
Education: They may specialize in areas such as sports medicine or hand surgery. They require 8-9 years of post baccalaureate education, a doctor of medicine degree, and 4-5 year residency in a hospital. They also need a medical license, and a board certificate in orthopedic surgery
Demand for Profession: This career is physically demanding and requires hand dexterity and hand eye coordination.
I would like to be an orthopedic surgeon because that is one thing i have always wanted to be, some type of doctor or surgeon.

Friday, April 21, 2017

CTR Project

“Goodness is the only investment that never fails”- Henry David Thoreau
This quote is saying that doing good never fails no matter what you do because you could do good wherever you are and whenever you want. As long as you invest your time in it that is what matters.  If you invest your time in something that is going to do good you or to other people then you should do a good job on it and put effort into it. If you choose to invest your time in good stuff then you are doing something right and good for yourself. Being good is always going to be a good thing if you make it a good thing. If you want something to be good but you don't put the time and effort to make it right then it won’t benefit you. You have to try to make stuff good otherwise no one will do it for you. For example, if you are trying to do something nice for your friends birthday but you wait until last minute to do it then your plan won’t turn out as well as you wanted it. You weren't being or doing something good to make it good, you did it but you didn’t put time in it so it could turn out the right way. It’s always best to invest your time and energy in the good stuff that way you know what’s good and what’s wrong.

Duties and Responsibilities: They fit dental appliances in patients mouths to alter the position of teeth and jaws. They prepare diagnostic and treatment records and provide patients with proposed treatment plans. They also diagnose teeth and jaw or other dental facial abnormalities. They instruct dental officers and technical assistants in orthodontic procedures.
Salary: They win $192,600 per year
Education: To become an orthodontist they need to have an undergraduate degree, a doctor of dental  service degree, the completion of four years of study at an accredited dental school, and an orthodontic residency. Also all orthodontics must be licensed to practice.
Demand for this profession: They specialize treatment and prevent dental irregularities, through the application of braces.

I wouldn’t like to be one because i don’t like going to the dentist and i wouldn’t like to work with teeth.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

“My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don't make them because they’re popular; you make them because they’re right.”
This quote is saying that decisions are made because you want to, they are made because it is the right thing to do. He is saying that the decisions you make are the decisions that are right. Not all decisions we make are right but if we make the right ones then they will be. They are not made because it’s something that could just be ignored or because everyone makes decisions. They are made for people to make the right choices and be successful in life or in any situation you are in. People who make the right decisions are the people who are going to be happy with what they have and with what they have succeeded with. For example if you are trying to decide whether or not to go out with some friends that you really don’t trust but you want to go, you have to make the right decision. If you don't really trust them then you shouldn’t go because you don’t know what could happen or what they could do. It’s better to not go and to be safe and sure that nothing will happen and you won’t have to worry about something happening. Decisions are made to make you life successful and to find the path you want to take.

Optometry technician or Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: These technicians perform any combination of following to assist optometrist. They maintain records, schedule appointments, perform bookkeeping, and filing. They also prepare patients for vision examinations and assist in testing in near and far acuity.  Instruct patients in care and use of glasses or contact lenses and they work with patients in vision therapy.
Salary: They win $22,260 per year.
Education: To become an optometrist you must have a highs school diploma, must attend training programs, and have an associates degree. Some common courses to help you prepare for an optometrist are anatomy, physiology of the eye, and optometric procedures.
Demand for this Profession: As this career expands the physicians will hire more assistants to perform administrative and clinical duties allowing the physicians to see more patients.
No i don't think i would like to be one because i already know what i would like to be in the future.

Monday, April 17, 2017

“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound (not good).”
This quote is saying that we should make sure only the good stuff have to influence and the bad stuff should stay in a place where someone doesn't interact with it. We should be able to put the good stuff out there and show people that being good is not a bad or dumb thing even if some people think it is. People who are good are most successful and get to where they want to be. That is why some people who are good are willing to influence other who are starting to go the wrong way. The people who do bad don’t really get nowhere in life because of the way they act and are in general. We should only focus on being good people for ourselves and for the people around us. That way if someone is wanting to be bad we could help them be good again and be successful, because that is what good people do help others. Those who are not willing to help and be selfish are not considered good people because they want to keep it to themselves and only worry about themselves. Good people should become more popular that way they have another path to success and accomplish many things. Those who are doing good should help those who aren’t and make the population of good people grow bigger to show that there is good people in the world.
School Break Days
For spring break i went to Starbucks, the habit, and to the fair. I hung out with my cousins and went out to shop or eat. I watched a new show that came out, it is called “13 reasons why”. I worked on an essay for physics, IXL for math class and other homework assignments for other classes. I also went to this coffee place that is called tierra mia with my cousin and hung out with her friend. I stayed home and watched Netflix and ate chips with my nephew and sister. I watched the movie “My friend the Giant” i didn't watch it before and it was my first time watching it with my sister. I watched the dodger game not live but on tv, and i think they won so that was good. For Easter i ate posole and hid eggs with my family for my little cousins and nephews. I experienced a lady that had done a good thing for me. I was at the fair and i dropped my iPod but i did not notice and the lady that was walking the opposite direction told me i had dropped it. If it wasn’t for her i probably wouldn’t have my ipod right now.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

“I am not bound to win, but i am bound to be true. I must stand with  anybody straight right, and stand with him while he is right, and part him when he goes wrong.”
This quote is saying that it doesn’t matter if you win it matters if you're honest and that whoever you stand with is doing right but if they begin to be in bad steps then you are going to have to leave them. Whether you're competing or something it doesn't matter if you it matters that you play fairly and have fun. If you have a best friend or a girl/boy friend and you are doing good with them but then one of you guys begin to be doing bad stuff then it's better to leave. It is better to leave them because then you won’t have to deal with getting in trouble or getting into problems because of them. Sometimes if you have someone that is beginning to do bad you don’t want to leave them because you want to help them do better and you want to be able to care for them and work things out. For example if your best friend starts to do drugs or start ditching school and you don’t want them to influence you do it but you still want to help them, then you should talk to them and try to help them. If you don't see a change in them then it’s best to just leave and let them do them because at the end of the day they are the ones messing up and you're not. Some people are really competitive and they like to win everything but it’s not always about winning. It’s about doing what you like to do and enjoying it because one day you aren’t going to be able to do that. You should always be humble and stick to being fair and honest to yourself and to others and not just think about yourself. When you begin to start dealing with toxic people it’s better to just leave them and go on with your life, because everyone deserves to be happy.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

“Character is higher than intellect.”
This quote is saying that who you are is more important that you knowledge. Someone who is smart doesn’t mean that they have the best attitude or personality. You have to show your character by being who you really are. If someone says that they're nice and kind but they don’t show it then that doesn’t mean they are. Some people say good stuff about themselves just to look good and for people to say good stuff about them. For example, if you are meeting someone new and they tell you that they have a good personality but they act mean, then they’re just lying to look good. In order to be who you say you are you have to act that way and show others that you aren’t fake just to look good. Some people that are smart like to show off their knowledge and they are cocky about it. Those kind of people are people who want everyone to think that they are the best and they like attention in my opinion. Some people are smart but they don’t show it off to look good, some are even nice and have a nice personality.