Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Many think that short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn’t. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don’t do it.”

This quote is saying that if you do something bad and you think it won’t affect you, it actually will because the guilt will always follow you. Anything you say or do bad it’s always going to be in your head and you won’t forget about it until you do something to get it out. Guilt is something people deal with when they do something bad because they know they did something wrong. Whether it’s something small that you did wrong it still counts because you still did it intentionally. For example if your taking a test and you decide to cheat and get a perfect score on it, you know you did something wrong but got something good out of it. What matters is that you didn’t do it in a way that was fair. You did it in a way that you wanted to get a perfect score because you didn’t want to look dumb. It’s better to get a bad score and do it the right way than to get a good score and do it the wrong way. Whatever you do bad it’s not worth doing it because it will end up hurting you and turning out bad for you to. It’s better to do stuff the good way and feel good than to do stuff the bad way and feel guilt.

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