Friday, March 10, 2017

“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do it right or wrong today.”
This quote is saying that whatever we do can make a big impact in our lives everyday. It’[s saying that the choices we make, wrong or right it makes something or someone change. It could be something small or big but it will stiff make a difference in our lifes and other people as well. We may think that the stuff we do may not make something change but in reality it does. For example if you say something that another person might think it's important then you made a difference in their life. To you it may seem like you did nothing but to someone else it might have been something really important. Everything you do or say makes a difference even if it's a bad thing. I when you do something bad it hurts people or yourself so you change how that person feels and thinks. Everything you do counts as making a difference because everything can change from one day to another. People may not know when something is going to change but they do know how will it change and how much of a difference it will make.

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